After posting to fellow FtW Blogger site's Wither the Deathwing post about the assaulty goodness of the Belial Termi Command Squad, I re-thought and reconsidered (5 attacks + reroll 1 to-hit? or 6 attacks and reroll all to-wounds? hmmm) and decided to go ahead and do the deed. The arms&shoulders on Malthius are already magnetized so I can now switch back and forth, but I had thought that I'd be playing the SBolter/Sword of Silence config for a while.
These pics show the Claws WIP still. I'm working on an outline for a step-by step on painting my power armor so I also used this as an excuse to make the change.
[click the image for larger pics]
Let me know what you think. Thanks for stopping by!
This model is sweet! I'm planning on doing a similar thing with the Dreadnaught leg plates for my Belial, so its good to have a reference point!
I've also decided to go down the claws route, it just seems far more effective to me.
Good up the very good work...
You gotta love lightning claws, and Malthius is looking rocking with them. I really need to get some magnets and start magnetising my minis too...
Awesome mini. I'm jealous. I like the thoughts on belial with claws. I may have to rig mine up with em too. Although im starting to get into magnets for increased options. Makes it much easier. Great model though. I wish i could paint faces. I jast cant seem to get them or large white areas down.
I'm very impressed with what you've done here, it looks great!
I have to agree that lightning claws always look good (and might just perform even better!). I have the older Sicarius model that has twin lightning claws and I love it...still need to paint it, even though the model has been "replaced" by the new Sicarius...
Here's where I am different from the pack... don't get me wrong, I wish my Belial looked this cool but I went with the power sword and storm bolter configuration.
I wanted that extra bit of shooting (since I only have a few guys) and I only get into H2H when it best suits me... the claws would work perfectly if I was getting into H2H all the time but I don't. I am a bit reserved to get in there unless I know I can win it and then having claws doesn't really matter at that point.
As always, you folks are being very kind with your praises, so thanks very much for that.
Sovietspace: thanks! we'll see if it works out for me though it does seem to make sense as long as you are constantly trying to get into CC. I saw the use of the dreadnaught leg plates in a B&C Belial thread.. I used the ones from the ravenwing bikes sprue that has the ready-made scrollwork and DA icon. I like how it turned out.
Vredesbyrd & Matt: thanks men. the magnets really do make it easier if only for letting me be fearless to try other things.. I wouldn't have had the energy (or guts) to try another Malthius model from scratch just to try lighting claws. As it stands, I can switch whenever I want to. Matt; the faces were really my biggest challenge too. I got my hands on a video eons ago that showed the way I do them now, and it really is just following the steps and I am usually happily shocked at how good (IMO) my own faces turn out.
Crusherjoe: yeah! I was a big fan of the Sicarius TLC model even though I wasn't playing at the time. Though I think I'm going to model a sheathed Sword of Silence for Malthius cause I thought my glaive-like version rocks too ;P
Ron: my gut-check default (and playing experience) was always the SB/SoS config too. Plus, I found it fits - with the fluff and the background - and just 'feels' better: He HAS a heavenfall blade, why wouldn't he use it? "cause TLC gets an extra attack" feels a little mathhammer to me :)
which is why I modeled Malthius that way initially. But, my comment on Ranillon's post triggered me thinking about my recent games and noticed that I do initiate the assault in most instances: against C:SM army TAC squads, I charge to take away their rapid fire and eating 20+ bolter shots (which I always roll at least 2 or 3 failed saves).. against C:SM TH/SS termies, I charge to take get +5 attacks.. against almost anything, I charge :)
OF COURSE! i never thought about the extra attack that lightning claws give (i was happy with the re-rolls) I love your painting and your bases are great. If you don't enter the FtW comp I'll find out were you live and... (various threats)
Great looking model and the lightning claws are clearly a better option over the master-crafted power sword.
Still, one cool model with a few extra attacks won't make up for other deficiencies for a Deathwing, I'm afraid.
If we could only have the new wargear.....
LOL, thanks for that Ranillon. I think you just need to admit that you prefer the C:SM wargear. We don't hold it against you ;P
I'll let Ron defend the full Deathwing list. As it stands my guys acquitted themselves nicely last night, winning by killpoints against a C:SM drop pod army despite the ridiculousness of seeing 2 terminator squads, a vanguard AND a sternguard squad on the table. I think the C:SM has it's stupid advantages (If Sternguard are ELITE, why the heck would Vanguard still be just FAST ATTACK??), but my command squad accounted for a 6-man termie and a 10-man vanguard squad, and the drop pod they came in on so I'm still having fun ;)
This conv. looks absolutely amazing, very nice work! If you dont mind me asking, from which model did Malthius evolve from?
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